A Taste of the Huon’, now in its 31st year, is a celebration of fine food, wine, entertainment, arts and crafts from the Huon Valley and Channel region – held at Ranelagh which is only 30 minutes scenic drive south of Hobart. This region produces an abundance of apples and although Tasmania is still recognised as the ‘Apple Isle’, cherries, mushrooms, salmon, vineyards, berries and truffles are also farmed in the area and along with much more, promoted at the Festival.
Entertainment is at its very best and each year there is a new program. Most importantly there will be loads of attractions to keep the children occupied. This Festival is one of the most popular regional events in Tasmania and draws over 20,000 local, intrastate and interstate visitors through its 2-day program.
This event is run by a voluntary committee with proceeds being injected back into the community via funding of groups who volunteer on the day.
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